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Protecting Your Business’s Reputation During Litigation

Protecting Your Business’s Reputation During Litigation

In today’s world of 24-hour global news and non-stop social media, a business embroiled in a lawsuit can suffer reputational damage that may be as costly as the litigation itself. Information divulged in court papers, at trial or in out-of-court statements can be repeated, exaggerated and misinterpreted, injuring the company’s good will in its particular trade or industry.

If you find yourself involved in a case that may pose reputational risks to yourself or your business, it may be worthwhile to engage proactively in litigation PR. This technique is the strategic management of communications about a legal dispute that is about to start, is in progress or was recently completed. The main goal of litigation PR is to get your story out during the run-up to the case and then to keep your narrative in the media as the case goes on.

In short, litigation PR is a tool that helps control the public narrative swirling around your company’s legal contests. Most court proceedings are matters of public record, so almost anything that is said in court or written in court papers could end up on the news. When properly handled, litigation PR helps you counter and debunk any false or misleading information, no matter the source.

There are four main ways in which an experienced litigation PR team can benefit your company:

  • Allowing your lawyer to focus on the case — PR professionals can vigilantly respond to media inquiries or online attacks so that your lawyer is not distracted from the case at hand.
  • Online savvy — Reputation preservation and repair includes news and social media components and good PR firms excel in those areas.
  • Blending proactive and reactive communication — Litigation PR teams assist in getting your message out to the public while at the same time reacting to unexpected developments in the case or attacks by your opponent.
  • Adding value — Litigation PR isn’t free but can provide priceless value by advising both you and your lawyer about reputation protection throughout the case.

Clay Parker, Esq. in Orlando, Florida has more than 30 years of experience representing companies in high-stakes business litigation. Please call 407-216-2504 or contact us online for a consultation.

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    501 N. Magnolia Ave
    Orlando, Florida 32801
    Phone: 407-894-8440
    Fax: 407-894-0400
An Attorney’s Job
"My job is to maximize the economic outcome in a legal setting, while advancing your legal rights and cause." Attorney H. Clay Parker IV