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H. Clay Parker, Esq.
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Construction Delays and What Customers Can Do About Them

An increase in construction activity can be have positive and negative consequences, leading to economic growth but also to potential project delays. With more projects being undertaken, the demand for materials, labor and specialized equipment rises, often causing shortages and resulting postponements. These delays can frustrate customers who expect timely completion and can cause them Read More

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Understanding the Special Features of Commercial Leases

Drafting and negotiating commercial leases involve a series of detailed and complex considerations, making them significantly different from residential leases. Unlike residential leases, which are usually standardized and cover a relatively limited set of issues, commercial leases are often customized to suit the specific needs of the business and the nature of the property. This Read More

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How to Prepare for Impending Commercial Litigation

Whenever possible, business disputes should be resolved out of court. However, litigation is sometimes the only means to achieve adequate compensation for losses or to otherwise correct injustices. When litigation looms, careful and thorough preparation can significantly affect the outcome of the case, minimizing potential liabilities and protecting your company’s interests.  Here are some essential Read More

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Using Florida’s Lien Law to Collect on Judgments in Civil Lawsuits

When a creditor wins a civil lawsuit, obtaining a judgment is just the beginning. The real challenge often lies in collecting the judgment. Florida’s lien law can be a powerful tool for doing so. A judgment lien allows a creditor to claim against a debtor’s non-exempt real estate and personal property within the state. The Read More

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Protecting Your Company With a Noncompete or Nonsolicitation Agreement

Noncompete agreements and nonsolicitation agreements can be used by an employer to limit activities of an employee after their relationship has ended. Such agreements are often entered into freely when an employee accepts the position with the company. However, there is a growing trend in the U.S. to restrain use of noncompete and nonsolicitation agreements, Read More

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How a Buy-Sell Agreement Can Avert a Bad Business Breakup

“Business divorce” is an apt term for the often messy and tumultuous ways in which a closely held business can undergo a momentous change. Just as with a marriage, small business breakups are often emotional and disruptive since they create rifts in once-steadfast relationships. No one starting up a business wants to contemplate its breakup, Read More

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Making Effective Use of Experts in Business Litigation

When a business disagreement ends up in court, the issues to be resolved are usually complex. Disputes can relate not only to what happened factually but also to the impact on the parties’ financial situations and the consequent liabilities that arise. Expert witnesses play a critical role in helping parties, attorneys and decision makers to Read More

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Do’s and Don’ts of Effectively Pursuing Commercial Litigation

When a business dispute escalates to the point of litigation, it is crucial to approach the legal process strategically to maximize your chances of a favorable outcome. Commercial litigation can be complex and challenging, but you can navigate it effectively by taking certain positive actions while also avoiding counterproductive conduct. Your overall litigation goal should Read More

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Why Commercial Lease Terms Need Careful Negotiation

When it comes to leasing commercial property, the devil is often in the details. While residential leases are relatively straightforward and governed by statute, commercial leases are typically customized to address particular business situations. Whether you are a tenant or a landlord, it’s vital to understand the essential terms of a commercial lease and why Read More

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Fraudulent Misrepresentation Under Florida Law — Elements and Remedies

Fraudulent misrepresentation is a civil offense that occurs when someone makes a false statement of fact to another person with the intent of inducing that person to act in a certain way, and the other person acts in that way and suffers harm as a result. Fraudulent misrepresentation falls under the purview of the Florida Read More

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"My job is to maximize the economic outcome in a legal setting, while advancing your legal rights and cause." Attorney H. Clay Parker IV