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Foreclosure Defense
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Defending Against Foreclosure Actions in Florida

Foreclosure is a legal process where a mortgage lender seeks to take possession of a property when the borrower has defaulted on the loan. Florida is a judicial foreclosure state, which means that the lender must file a lawsuit, prove their case in court and obtain a final judgment of foreclosure. This judgment allows them Read More

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Common Defenses to Florida Foreclosure Actions

In Florida, if a borrower fails to pay installments on a loan secured by a mortgage, the lender can file a foreclosure lawsuit to force a sale of the collateral property. Foreclosures are judicial cases that are subject to due process and an opportunity for the borrower to be heard. When answering a foreclosure complaint, Read More

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Defending Against a Mortgage Foreclosure Lawsuit

If you are behind in your mortgage payments and are receiving threatening phone calls and letters from the lender, you are not alone. With Florida’s volatile real estate market, coupled with the COVID-19 pandemic, mortgage foreclosures by lenders have risen substantially. Florida is a judicial foreclosure state. That means lenders must file a summons and Read More

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Orlando home prices continue to recover in 2013

Orlando home prices continue to recover in 2013 On behalf of H. Clay Parker, Esq. posted in Foreclosure Defense on Sunday, January 19, 2014. The Orlando real estate market finished last year on the up side with a 24 percent increase in the price of homes. The improvements to the Orlando real estate market have been Read More

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Foreclosure doesn’t have to be the end

Foreclosure doesn’t have to be the end On behalf of H. Clay Parker, Esq. posted in Foreclosure Defense on Friday, May 19, 2017. Foreclosure is the legal process by which a mortgage holder or lien holder reclaims the property that is in default. The person who is living in the home is foreclosed on, as they Read More

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Going through foreclosure? Contact an attorney.

Going through foreclosure? Contact an attorney. On behalf of H. Clay Parker, Esq. posted in Foreclosure Defense on Thursday, March 2, 2017. Buying a home is a huge step in the lives of many people. Sometimes the step is too big, and the responsibility of keeping up with mortgage payments can get the better of otherwise Read More

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Florida foreclosure law has negative impact on homeowners

Florida foreclosure law has negative impact on homeowners On behalf of H. Clay Parker, Esq. posted in Foreclosure Defense on Saturday, September 20, 2014. When a legal system focuses all of its efforts in moving cases forward as quickly as possible, the rights of some of the parties may tend to be adversely impacted. In Florida, Read More

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Many Florida homes still “seriously underwater”

Many Florida homes still “seriously underwater” On behalf of H. Clay Parker, Esq. posted in Foreclosure Defense on Saturday, April 26, 2014. The fallout from the housing collapse of 2007 continues to be felt in many real estate markets, including those in Florida. The collapse drove millions of properties “underwater” where the balance on the mortgage Read More

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Florida dominates with zombie foreclosures

Florida dominates with zombie foreclosures On behalf of H. Clay Parker, Esq. posted in Foreclosure Defense on Saturday, March 15, 2014. Zombie foreclosures are an outgrowth of the mortgage crises and devastating affect that event had on real estate throughout the United States, and especially in states like Florida. Tens of thousands of homeowners and borrowers Read More

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Orlando’s foreclosure rate is 3 times higher than national rate

Orlando’s foreclosure rate is 3 times higher than national rate On behalf of H. Clay Parker, Esq. posted in Foreclosure Defense on Saturday, December 21, 2013. Although the housing market is recovering, it is very clear that Orlando is still reeling from the foreclosure crisis. In fact, last month Orlando posted the sixth-highest rate of foreclosure Read More

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"My job is to maximize the economic outcome in a legal setting, while advancing your legal rights and cause." Attorney H. Clay Parker IV